Our Vocational School was founded at the meeting of Higher Education General Assembly, dated 21/05/2009, in accordance with the code numbered 2547, which had been amended by code 2880, and its articles 7/d-2 and 7/h, and the 4th article of code 3843; by the Judgement of Higher Education Executive Committee dated 15/04/2009. In 2009-2010 academic years students were registered in the programmes of Business Management and Irrigation Technology. In the following years, Computer Programming, Banking and Insurance Business, Child Development, Home –Care for Patients, Social Services and Civil Aviation and Cabin Services Departments were opened. Totally, six programmes have already been maintaining education-training activities. The number of students reached 474 at the end of 2018.
Our College is in Pazar, in the province of Tokat.
It is 5 kilometers far inside Tokat-Turhal Motorway, and 25 kilometers far from Tokat.
The town center is of altitude of 623 meters.
There is town Turhal in its north,
There is town Artova in its south,
There are towns Zile and Turhal in its west,
There is the province of Tokat in its East.
In its south, the border of Artova is a mountainous area. Its north is surrounded by Yeşilırmak River and Kazova.